Tuesday, July 8, 2008


today after my petrarch class, one of the professors took a bunch of us to a cute, quiet little town called rovigo. we passed a lot of breathtaking countryside views with little mountains and such on the train ride over. we went to an art museum with an enormous collection of paintings of women in the beginning of the 20th century, and it seemed like they were all portrayed as beautiful, elegant, and bored out of their minds. some of the paintings looked like photographs, they were amazing. after that we got some lunch and headed back.

did i mention i'm going to ROME this weekend? we've got the hostel booked, and i've bought my train ticket there. i still need to get a train ticket for the way back, but i think i'll do that tomorrow. in any case, i'm painfully excited to see the whole roman deal and the vatican and everything else that goes along with rome.

i'm reading natalia ginzburg, italo calvino, and petrarch in the original italian by the way. intense.

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