Monday, March 2, 2009

fun fact: college text books are a horrible horrible ripoff no matter where you go. D: luckily i did find a store that said they'll buy used books, but i don't know how much i'll be able to get back.

my history teacher gave us the low down on our final exam today. basically we just need to give him a 10-15 minute oral presentation on a topic we discussed in class that particularly interested us. the first exam date isn't until march 24 (which feels like a long way away) and i already know which topic i want to talk about, so i feel excellent about this exam. i'll start preparing now, and by the 24th i should be such an expert on my topic that hopefully he'll give me an A, regardless of my american-ness. he also said he won't be asking any questions, so i feel really good about this!

today i went to the fruit stands to restock my apple and banana supply, and the guy who sold me my fruit was so refreshingly friendly and cheerful! he didn't do anything particularly remarkable, but it made my day regardless.

still raining, kind of a humdrum day. it's going to be a crazy busy week, but i have lots of fun things planned so it should be good.

1 comment:

Erica said...

Sorry I missed your call(s) today. Kept catchimg me at a bad time, try again tomorrow?